NB! Elhub is a norwegian service and is only available for norwegian homes.
If you connect Abralife to the Elhub service (a central IT system owned by Statnett for monitoring power production and consumption in Norway) you will have full overview of the actual power consumption of your home (including actual and estimated cost based on Nordpool spot price). The service is free of charge. For more information about Elhub, visit www.elhub.no)
Example of insight the Elhub connection can provide:
How to connect
The app will automatically suggest Elhub connection during onboarding. Alternatively, you can initiate setup via the energy section of the app.
The app will guide you with a step-by-step instruction. Note that identification with BankID/MinID is required.
1. Choose Connect/Start
2. Use BankID/MinID to log into Elhub
3. If you haven't logged in before, you will be prompted to add your personal data
4. When logged in, you will see all the metering point ID-numbers owned by you.
5. Copy or write down the 18-digit number associated to your home (if you have more than one metering point ID for this specific home and you want Abralife to show aggregated consumption, write down addtional numbers or return back to copy the next (according to step 8).
6. Navigate back to the Abralife app by swiping upwards from the bottom of the screen (step 1 in the picture below)
7. Paste or write the metering point ID number into the field <Enter metering point ID> (step 2 in the picture below)
8. If your want to add additional metering point IDs, click the + button (step 3 in the picture below)
9. Complete the setup and ensure you get a verification of a successful connection.
NB! It might take up to 60 minutes before data is available in Abralife (when the data transfer is active, you'll see data in the Energy-tile or via the Statistics section.
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