Ensure that the Elko device is correctly powered
Check Elko device user manual for details
Ensure your Abralife app has connection to the Linkbox+
Open your Abralife app and make sure the Linkbox is present in the Devices menu
Ensure that the Dimmer is within reach of the Linkbox+
Place the units as close as possible to each other before a new pairing attempt
Ensure the Dimmer is properly reset
Press the button 3 times (3 x < 0,5 seconds) then hold for >10 seconds until the LED starts blinking RED. The device initiates factory reset. After 10 seconds the device will restart and the LED starts blinking GREEN before turning off.
Ensure the Dimmer is in search mode
Press the button 3 times (3 x < 0,5 seconds). LED blinks AMBER once per second.
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